
Pressing onward

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fAre you ready to think about starting your own journey using Illness Explorer?

If so continue along the MAIN ROUTE for answers to some important practical questions.

But you may still want to know more before setting off.

The Illness Explorer approach to illness and disease adds a dimension rarely available in Western medicine. Do you want to try the Scenic Routes which may prove very helpful in deciding whether Illness Explorer is for you?

You are currently on the MAIN ROUTE.


The Scenic Routes

Route 1 is suitable for everybody.

Routes 2 and 3 are for those who would like more theoretical exploration.

Each route leads you back to this spot, so you can explore another route or proceed down the MAIN ROUTE.

Go to ROUTE 1 – The Methods

Go to ROUTE 2 – The Limits of Modern Medicine

Go to ROUTE 3 – The Concept of I Am-ness

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